Saturday, April 26, 2014

May 30, 2014 -- A Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare

We will discuss "A Winter's Tale" by Shakespeare at our next meeting.
Meeting Information:
Location: Kansas City Public Library, Plaza Branch, Small Meeting Room
Address: 4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO
Date: May 30, 2014
Time: 7:00 PM


Clif Hostetler said...

One of the questions to be resolved at our Meeting on May 30 is whether this play is a comedy or a romance. The first three acts are filled with intense psychological drama, while the last two acts are comedic and supply a happy ending.

Clif Hostetler said...

We had a good discussion about "The Winter's Tale" by Shakespeare. Now we're ready for Shakespeare in the Park.

Those in attendance included Tim Thurman, Jack Granath, Tom Brown, John Rasmus, Bernard Norcott/Mahany, Tom Brown, Brian Pauls, Marty Hattan, Karen and Clif Hostetler.