Saturday, May 29, 2010

June 25, War and Peace

The next Great Books KC meeting:
What: War and Peace by Tolstoy
When: June 25, 2010, 7:00 PM
Where: Plaza Branch Library
4801 Main Street, KC, MO 64112
On June 25, a Friday, we plan to have our first of three meetings to discuss Tolstoy's WAR AND PEACE. That's our big book book for the year. We're spreading our discussion over three meetings during the summer so you have all summer to finish it.


Clif Hostetler said...

I want to remind people that it's not necessary to finish the book before the coming meeting date. You have all summer for that. We'll even let people attend who haven't started yet, in which case we'll hope that our discussion will provide the necessary boost in interest to get the reading started.

Clif Hostetler said...

It was a good group with seven in attendance. Reading progress in the book varied from barely started to almost finished. We focused our discussion mostly on the first third of the book.