Saturday, August 1, 2020

August 28, 2020—The Town, by Conrad Richter

The next meeting of Great Books KC will be August 28, 2020.

Meeting Content:
We will discuss The Town, from Awakening Land Trilogy, by Conrad Richter 

Meeting Time and Place:
Date: August 28, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm
Zoom on-line conference
—an email with link to join will be sent the day prior to meeting.
—If you wish to receive an invitation and haven't attended a meeting recently, send request by email to

Description of Book:
The Town is a 1950 novel by Conrad Richter and the third work in his trilogy The Awakening Land. It continues the story of frontier woman Sayward (née Luckett) Wheeler and her family.


Clif Hostetler said...

Here's a link to my review of the book:

Clif Hostetler said...

The following is a list of those who participated in the August 28, 2020 meeting:
Jack Granath
Clif Hostetler
Bernie Norcott-Mahany
Marianne Cotugno
Craig Carter
John Rasmus
Ed Doering
Tom Brown
Pan Shannon
Marilyn Whitlock
Rex Nowland
Don Pepper
Greg Brown