Sunday, July 31, 2022

August 26, 2022—The Guermantes Way, Vol. 3 of In Search of Lost Time, by Marcel Proust

The next meeting of Great Books KC will be August 26, 2022.  We will discuss In the The Guermantes Way, Vol. 3 of In Search of Lost Time, by Marcel Proust.

Meeting Date & Time:
Date: August 26, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm

 Zoom On-Line Meeting:
 — an email with link to join will be sent prior to meeting.
 — the link is sent to a limited mailing list of frequent attenders.
 — request mailing list addition, sent to

Description of Book:
The Guermantes Way is the third volume of Proust’s masterpiece, À la recherche du temps perdu. "The Guermantes Way" refers to the path that runs past the château belonging to the Duc and Duchesse de Guermantes near Combray and also to the route the narrator takes to make his way into their Parisian salon. He encounters a world of nobles, officers, socialites, and assorted consorts–individuals like Robert de Saint Loup and his prostitute mistress Rachel, the Baron de Charlus, and the Prince de Borodino. The narrator becomes a party to the wit and manners of the Guermantes drawing room, an important playground for Parisian society interested in the latest theatrical triumph and the progress of the Dreyfus case.


Clif Hostetler said...

Here's are two links found by Don Pepper:

Clif Hostetler said...

Link to my review of the book:

Clif Hostetler said...

The following individuals attended the Zoom meeting of August 26, 2022:
Bernie Norcott-Mahany
Clif Hostetler
Don Pepper

Ed Doering
Rex Nowland
Tom Brown
Paul Smith